Scale and innovation in early years – roundtable discussion
news | 21 Apr 2017
On Thursday 25th May 2017 we’ll be holding a roundtable event in London for a select group of early years leaders, innovators and experts.
We are delighted to give the opportunity for participants to meet, and hear the insights and experience of Julia Davison, CEO of Goodstart. Goodstart is Australia’s largest early learning provider – with 13,400 staff supporting 58,000 families through 645 centres nationwide.
The discussion will focus on two key challenges:
Challenge 1: Delivering high quality early learning provision at scale
Challenge 2: Designing provision that is truly flexible and future focused
Julia will share the story of Goodstart’s growth and current success, as well as reflecting on the ambitious programme of work they have started in order to redesign provision: GoodFuture. David Albury, who is leading Innovation Unit’s work with Goodstart, will share the ambitions of the GoodFuture programme, and the insights and ideas being developed around more flexible and future oriented offers for families.
If you are interested in attending the event, or would like to find out more about the outcome, please contact Caireen Goddard.
About Goodstart
In 2009, a consortium of leading community sector organisations – The Benevolent Society, Mission Australia, the Brotherhood of St Laurence and Social Ventures Australia – came together to initiate the formation of Goodstart.
Goodstart was founded on a vision of giving children the best possible start in life through access to quality early learning.
As a social enterprise, Goodstart is a not-for-profit organisation that operates with strong business disciplines. We reinvest operating surpluses in our network, our people and our purpose – for the benefit of every child and their early learning.
About Julia Davison
Director and Chief Executive Officer, Goodstart
Prior to joining Goodstart as its Chief Executive Officer in February 2011, Julia had extensive senior management experience in the human services sector in Australia and the UK. Between 1999 and 2004 she was CEO at Flinders Medical Centre, a large teaching hospital in Adelaide. From 2004 to 2010 Julia was CEO of WorkCover SA, a statutory authority which manages the South Australian Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Scheme, extending protection to 430,000 employees in SA. Julia is on the Board of Cape York Girl Academy and has held a number of non-executive roles including Chair of Catherine House, a not-for-profit working to solve women’s homelessness, Director of Territory Insurance Office, NT and Director of Business SA.
About David Albury
Board Director, Innovation Unit
David Albury is Director, Innovation Unit (UK); Consultant (and formerly 2009-14 Design and Development Director) to the Global Education Leaders’ Program (GELP), Associate of the Institute of Government and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. For almost two decades, David has consulted and advised on forming and implementing strategies and policies for transformation and innovation in education, early learning, healthcare and other public services. He works and speaks nationally and internationally, on creating the conditions for whole system transformation and radical innovation – especially, in recent years, on effective approaches to scaling and diffusion – in Governments, national agencies, localities and public service organisations. From 2002 to 2005, David was Principal Adviser in the UK Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit where he led a major review of education policy, co-ordinated advice on health service strategy and co-authored the seminal report on Innovation in the Public Sector.