No Innovation Unit project looks the same and we flex our approach to the specific needs of our clients, but our formula for innovation and impact informs most of what we do. Some of our most ambitious projects take in activities across all six elements of the formula, others focus in on one or more.
See below for more information on each element of the formula, and to view some of the outputs of our work.

We surface deep, challenging insights and build a compelling case for changeWe can help you to:
- Shed new light on hard problems by researching and understanding the reality of people’s lives
- Assess the costs, value for money and outcomes of existing provision
- Review relevant research and evidence-based solutions
- Scan for inspiring new solutions from different places, sectors and systems
- Map relevant assets and resources in organisations, places and systems
This might include:
- Ethnographic research
- Customer journey mapping
- Qualitative research and insight gathering
- Research synthesis
- Horizon scanning
- Asset and resource mapping
- Cost-benefit analysis
'Generate insights' projects
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Greater Manchester Living Well
Stories of Impact: HALN
Stories of Impact: Healthy Devon Learning Labs
Stories of Impact: Always Hope
GoodLives GM
Young Responders with St John Ambulance
Rangatahi Thriving in Murihiku
Health Equalities
Health Anchors Learning Network
Learning from Innovation in a Crisis: Greater Manchester’s real time learning project
Bringing to light distress and healing in early motherhood
Bridging the Gaps
Age-friendly Tāmaki Makaurau
Innovation in Children’s Social Care Research project
Violence affecting young people
Māori heart health
Unleashing Brilliance: ELEVATE
Named Social Worker
Integrated employment support
Childhood obesity
A new care model for older people
Spreading & scaling innovation in the NHS
Peer Crowds Alcohol Behaviour Change Project
Thriving Communities
Homelessness + substance misuse + criminal justice
Family relationships
Diabetes model of care
Behind the wheel
Our highlights

We engage people in a powerful shared vision, and create the energy for collective actionWe can help you to:
- Communicate a compelling case for change that inspires people to act
- Facilitate events and workshops that create high levels of buy-in, collaboration and collective action
- Develop an outcomes framework that is owned by all the stakeholders in the system
- Identify the new metrics and measures of success that will drive change
- Develop a powerful vision and bring it to life through exciting products and meaningful engagement
This might include:
- Design and delivery of events and workshops
- Creating a theory of change
- Outcomes frameworks
- Engagement strategies
- Storytelling and narrative creation
- Communications, branding and collateral development
- Campaigning
- Visualising data and ideas
'Mobilise energy' projects
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Greater Manchester Living Well
Stories of Impact: HALN
Stories of Impact: Healthy Devon Learning Labs
Stories of Impact: Always Hope
GoodLives GM
Invitation to Transform
Sport England
Rangatahi Thriving in Murihiku
Childhood obesity
Thriving Communities

We co-design new, practical solutions with high potential for impact and cost-savingsWe can help you to:
- Generate a wide range of ideas for new solutions, and select those with the greatest potential
- Co-design promising new solutions and then prototype and test them with staff and the public
- Create a detailed blueprint for the new solution, specifying an implementation plan, costs and potential savings
- Identify and mobilise the assets and resources needed for successful implementation
- Co-develop an implementation plan and evaluation design
This might include:
- Calls for ideas
- Challenge prizes
- Assessment and selection processes
- Codesign workshops
- Prototyping and testing ideas in practice
- Developing service blueprints and user journeys
- Implementation planning
- Evaluation design
'Design new solutions' projects
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Stories of Impact: Living Well Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Living Well
Stories of Impact: Healthy Devon Learning Labs
Stories of Impact: Always Hope
GoodLives GM
Invitation to Transform
Young Responders with St John Ambulance
Always Hope
Bridging the Gaps
Unleashing Brilliance: ELEVATE
Named Social Worker
Integrated employment support
Childhood obesity
A new care model for older people
STEM Innovation Partnerships
Thriving Communities
Our highlights

We work with leaders and teams to grow their roles, skills and capabilitiesWe can help you to:
- Identify and develop the roles, relationships, resources, skills and behaviour change required
- Coach leaders to ensure they have the necessary tools and strategies to lead innovation
- Design and deliver workforce learning that supports staff to develop and sustain new practices
- Provide evidence based tools and frameworks to help leaders monitor and evaluate progress
- Partner with experts to provide specialist technical support, including digital, media, finance, HR
This might include:
- Innovation and leadership coaching
- Leadership development
- Skills audits
- Alearning strategy
- Workforce development
- Codifying practice and new ways of working
- Business cases and resource modelling
- Engaging a technology partner
'Build capability' projects
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Stories of Impact: Living Well Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Living Well
Stories of Impact: HALN
GoodLives GM
Innovation Unit Design Academy
Adopting Innovation to improve health and care
Sport England
Health Equalities
Health Anchors Learning Network
No Wrong Door
Named Social Worker
Healthy Families New Zealand
A new care model for older people
School Design Lab
Innovations in children’s social care
Peer Crowds Alcohol Behaviour Change Project
Family relationships
Diabetes model of care
Behind the wheel

We work with leaders to change their systems, sectors and settings, so new solutions can flourishWe can help you to:
- Engage senior stakeholders across the system and secure their active sponsorship and support
- Develop new governance arrangements, and maximise the value of existing networks and partnerships
- Develop meaningful accountabilities and performance measures
- Create the right approaches to ongoing learning and evaluation to drive continuous improvement
- Design new incentives, including financial, to change behaviours
This might include:
- System and stakeholder mapping
- Understanding and influencing system conditions relating to the new solution
- Engagement strategies
- New models of governance
- Partnership development
- Learning and evaluation designs
- Changing financial incentives
- Using evidence and insight in policy and decision making
- Introducing new performance measures
'Lead system change' projects
Developing bold new ways of working to support communities to live well locally
Stories of Impact: Living Well Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Living Well
GoodLives GM
The future of UK public services: the Innovation Unit vision
Invitation to Transform
Adopting Innovation to improve health and care
School Design Lab
Our highlights

We work with system leaders to adopt and adapt solutions from elsewhere or scale their own new solutionsWe can help you to:
- Evidence the impact of a new solution on outcomes and costs
- Maintain fidelity to the evidence based core of a new solution while adapting flexible features to local contexts
- Grow communities of practice, engagement and interest and facilitate learning events
- Build a movement for change around a new solution through powerful communications and engagement
- Establish new ventures and develop sustainable business models
This might include:
- Business planning
- Organisational scaling strategies
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Business development
- Communications and engagement approaches
- Communities of practice
- Learning events
- Identifying potential adopters
'Scale solutions' projects
Stories of Impact: Living Well Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester Living Well
GoodLives GM
Adopting Innovation to improve health and care
Strengthening families, protecting children programme
No Wrong Door
Named Social Worker
School Design Lab
Innovations in children’s social care
STEM Innovation Partnerships