Radhika Bynon
Board Director
Radhika Bynon is an experienced leader in the social sector, as a community worker, an innovation specialist and funder. Her particular interest is community-led change that centres hope, justice and agency.
Radhika works as an innovation specialist at Impact on Urban Health, taking a systemic approach to reducing health inequalities, exploring the intersections between issues like trust and power and the implications for equity. In her previous role, Radhika was Director of Communities at the Young Foundation leading programmes seeking to centre community voices at the heart of social change.
She has also worked with national and local government. Under the last Labour government, she worked at the Prime Minister’s Council for Social Action, working with leaders in innovation from business, the voluntary sector and government to generate initiatives to catalyse social action across the country. Radhika has led voluntary organisations working on mental health, racial justice and community action. She served on the board of Global Fund for Women, a US-based women’s fund resourcing human rights defenders and chaired GFW UK.
She is a trustee at Barrow Cadbury Trust, a philanthropic foundation taking a long term approach to social justice. She is a board member at the Magpie Project, working with women and children in temporary accommodation and Kineara, working on housing and educational support to people at the sharp end of inequality.