Adopting Innovation Wheel
Publication | 14 Jun 24
Through the Adopting Innovation programme, funded by The Health Foundation, we worked collaboratively to establish four health and care hubs across England hubs to identify, adapt and adopt innovations which make a difference to people’s lives.
Read more about the impact of the programme here
“Of particular value has been the ability of Innovation Unit to take the learning from the experiences of all the Hubs (and from beyond this programme), synthesising it into high quality products that respond effectively to the needs and learning of the Hubs. E.g. ‘the wheel’ is a practical tool with wide application” Local Hub Sponsor
As part of this work, we developed a framework to help Hubs make sense of the breadth of the ambitious task. This ‘adopting innovation wheel’ became a vital tool that Hubs revisited many times during the programme and used with their partners to reflect on progress, share learning and ideas, and re-vitalise plans and priorities.
We welcome teams, organisations and integrated systems to use this wheel to consider their own culture and capabilities for adopting innovations and to identify priorities for development and action.
Christina Cornwell
Senior Associate
Sarah Ward
Senior Innovation Consultant and Service Designer
Savannah Fishel
Senior Innovation Consultant and Service Designer
Ellie Hegarty
Senior Graphic Designer