Always Hope Integrated Planning and Assessment Manual
Publication | 06 Jun 24
Always Hope supports young men (aged 18-25) with care leaver status in prison and on release to improve their chances of rehabilitation and create a positive future.
This new innovation brings practitioners from prison, probation and leaving care services together with young men in prison with care leaver status, to integrate their support. The details needed to implement this strand of Always Hope – known as ‘Integrated Planning and Assessment’ (IPAA) are explained in this manual.
Always Hope also supports young adults to build a personal support network. Through a service such as Lifelong Links or Group Conferencing, the young adult identifies a sustainable network who will offer coordinated support while in prison and on release. This approach (and how it integrates with IPAA) is also explained in this manual.
Jessie Ben-Ami
Associate Director for Justice and Reducing Violence
Charlotte Billington
Senior Innovation Consultant
Frances Flaxington
Senior Associate
Ellie Hegarty
Senior Graphic Designer
Family Rights Group