Innovation Unit appointed to the Aotearoa New Zealand All of Government (AoG) Consultancy Panel
news | 25 Jun 2021
Innovation Unit is delighted to announce that we have been appointed to the All-of-Government (AoG) Consultancy Panel as a tier 3 provider, offering services in:
- Business change
- Policy, research and development.
Check us out on the MBIE online panel directory here.
Over the past few years, we’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with a number of Government agencies and Crown entities. Below is some of the meaningful mahi we’re most proud of:
1) Ministry of Health: Healthy Families NZ workforce development
We provided intensive innovation capability building to enable the Healthy Families NZ workforce to create meaningful systems change in ten locations across Aotearoa New Zealand.

2) Ministry of Education: TSI collaboration insights & research report
Know me, Believe In Me was a collaboration between the Ministry of Education, The Southern Initiative, The Lab, Middlemore Foundation and Innovation Unit. It captures insights gained from lived-experience, observations of the education system and it also outlines how to scale innovations within the education system.

3) Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency: Mai Te Whai-Ao ki te ao Marama
Insights into mothers’ experiences of distress and wellbeing when becoming a mother, and a co-design process to understand how Te Hiringa Hauora could better support wāhine Māori māmā through this time.

4) Sport NZ | Ihi Aotearoa: Systems Mapping
Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa embarked on a journey to imagine what the future of physical activity in Aotearoa might look like, and what role the organisation could play in bringing that future to life. We helped the organisation ground this journey in the experiences of every day New Zealanders.

If you’re looking to co-design new solutions and create positive impact at scale, we’d love to explore how we could work together to make that happen. Here’s an overview of what Innovation Unit can offer:
Our formula for innovation and impact:
Combining decades of practical experience with recent research, our formula for innovation and impact will help you to design new solutions, implement them successfully and take them to scale for greater impact.
Visit our website, and explore the different areas of the formula to discover the proven approaches that deliver results for our clients and partners:

Our model for scale:
Coming up with a great new solution is just the beginning: enabling others to adopt and adapt it in their own context is at least as challenging.
Developed from extensive research and tested with partners in health, social care and education, our model for scale helps our partner organisations take an idea to new communities, or grow it across a whole system.

Our people:
Our core team, associate network and board members are highly skilled, knowledgeable and ambitious for social change.
From research to design, leadership to learning, and organisational change to system transformation, we combine our expertise in innovation processes with a deep understanding of the systems in which we work. We know that we do our best, most high impact work when we partner with people and organisations who share our values and ambitions for change. Meet the full team across Australia New Zealand.

If you have a complex challenge, a wicked problem, an ambitious vision, or something innovative we could partner and collaborate on to create positive change in Aotearoa New Zealand, please get in touch… We look forward to hearing from you!
- EMAIL: teamanz@innovationunit.org
- PHONE: +64 9 378 7642 (New Zealand)
- MOBILE: +64 21 805 075 (Jade)
Ngā mihi nui,
Jade Tang-Taylor
Director of Innovation and Partnerships
Innovation Unit