Stories of hope and humanity
news | 18 May 2020
The world is in lockdown. It is affecting our mental health, our wellbeing, our lives. Yet there is also much generosity and kindness. We want to be sharing these stories, understanding that some will be harder to tell, and to hear, than others.
Our programme, Living Well UK, is creating new approaches to mental health systems across the UK and we want to hear from you!
We want to learn about your experience of life in lock down, hear stories of positive coping and support, amplify voices that are not normally heard, and inspire new thinking about how we help to improve mental health in the future.
What you need to submit:
A short video that gives a snapshot of a day in your life of lockdown.
This can include:
- A bit about you
- What you get up to in lockdown
- How you are feeling
- Your coping strategies and triumphs
- Observations of hope, love, kindness and humanity
- Your hopes for how we support each others mental health in the future
We would like to see what you do, rather than hear about it. So why not film yourself whilst you’re on a walk, cooking dinner, or spending time with your family.
Who are we?
Innovation Unit is a not-for-profit organisation which works with the NHS, councils and communities across the UK to design better public services. Innovation Unit is running a programme called Living Well UK to create new and better approaches to mental health.
Who can submit?
We are asking for submissions from anyone in the UK whose mental health and wellbeing is being affected by Covid 19, or if you support someone whose wellbeing has been affected, or both!
We would be interested in hearing from you as an individual, as a family, or household if:
- Your wellbeing or resilience has been impacted by Covid 19
- You have devised new strategies to support your mental health and wellbeing
- You support or care for someone
- You are working in the mental health system
What will happen to my submission?
Your footage may be shared publicly on the web, and social media, either as a standalone clip, or as part of our collective video. We will not use your full name but you are likely to be identified. Please only share if you are happy for others to see the footage, or part of your footage, and hear your story.
How to submit
Send a maximum of 10 minutes of footage to: lwuk@innovationunit.org
Please write your name and contact number in the email in case we need to get in touch.
If the attachment is too big to send, you can share it to our email using wetransfer.
It is OK to send up to 5 shorter videos, rather than one long video.
Submission closes 17.00 on 22 May
Download PDF here.