Upcoming webinar: learning from the Named Social Worker
news | 16 Jul 2018
On Tuesday 31st July Innovation Unit and SCIE will be hosting a free webinar to share and discuss learning from the Named Social Worker Programme.
The Department of Health and Social Care initiated the Named Social Worker programme to build an understanding of how having a named social worker can contribute to people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs achieving better outcomes; specifically that they and their family can be in control of decisions about their own future, and are supported to live with the dignity and independence which we all strive for.
Pilots tested what difference it would make (and what it would look like in practice) for people to have an allocated social worker who could build a meaningful relationship with them, coordinate support in a holistic and person-centred way and be an advocate within the system.
On Tuesday 31st July Innovation Unit and SCIE will be hosting a free webinar to share and discuss:
- the difference a named social worker can make
- lessons for adopting asset-based and person-centred practice
- what this means for your local area
This webinar is open to all and you may be particularly interested in taking part if you are:
- Directors of Adult or Children services, heads of service, service managers and team leaders looking to develop, lead and nurture person and asset-based services
- Team leads and practitioners seeking concrete ideas to support social work teams to stretch and develop your practice
- Someone who has been or is currently being supported by services
Click here to sign up.

Named social worker — what we’re learning from local authorities
Having a named social worker means having the opportunity to develop relationships that really work.
14 Feb 17

Named Social Worker
Between 2016 and 2018, Innovation Unit and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) supported nine local authorities to develop, implement and evaluate a Named Social Worker approach.
23 Jul 18

What does it take to deliver truly person-centred care?
As part of the Named Social Worker programme, Innovation Unit, SCIE and the Department of Health & Social Care hosted a webinar to explore what it takes to deliver person-centred care.
31 Jan 18