If you are looking for bold ideas that will deliver long-term impact for people, address persistent inequalities and transform the systems that surround them, read on for inspiration.
We work with ambitious leaders to rethink current approaches to big problems in areas such as health and social care, education and justice. We create better outcomes and experiences for vulnerable people and better outcomes for the wider system. Here’s how:

Imagining and becoming Future St Pat’s

Growing stronger systems of support: Recommendations from the field of Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Support
with Paul Ramsay Foundation

My Home, My Design: Making individualised living options real for people with disability
with Valued Lives

Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people: learning what works
with Polly Farmer Foundation

Designing an FDV Hub
Re-establishing safety, rebuilding connections in Armadale
with Western Australian Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence

Thriving in Murihiku
Creating a bright future with the rangatahi of Southland
with Te Rourou, Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation

Diverse NZers’ stories
Opportunities for a more inclusive physical activity system
with Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa

Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua
Collective action for an age-friendly Auckland
with Auckland Council

Foyer Broome
The first of its kind: a regional foyer model for young people in the Kimberley
with Anglicare WA, Foundation Housing Ltd and Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Organisation

Peel refuge
A journey to recovery: co-designing the first therapeutic refuge service model in Western Australia
with Department of Communities in Western Australia

Co-designing out of home care
Children’s voices guide the way for new model of care
with Parkerville Children and Youth Care

Bringing to light distress and healing in early motherhood
with Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency

Age-friendly Tāmaki Makaurau Report
Opportunities for system-level collaboration to create an age-friendly region
with Auckland City Council

Māori heart health
Taking a Māori-centred approach to heart health
with Heart Foundation of New Zealand

Elevate insights
Unleashing Brilliance
with Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales (AISNSW)

Designing brighter futures for students
with Association of Independent Schools Western Australia (AISWA)

Healthy Families New Zealand
Building community capability to prevent chronic diseases
with Ministry of Health and Healthy Families NZ providers across Aotearoa New Zealand

Reducing social isolation amongst older people
with An Innovate Change / Innovation Unit ANZ venture

Kaitaia Youth Project
Helping young people to thrive in Te Hiku
with Ministry of Social Development

Ensuring every young Australian has a great start to life, and an even better future
with Goodstart

Behaviour Change Project
Preventing alcohol related harm among young people
with Counties Manukau Health, the Health Promotion Agency, CAYAD Auckland, the Aotearoa New Zealand Drug Foundation, Odyssey, Healthy Families Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, CAYAD Auckland (Auckland Council), Youthline, Real and CHAMP

STEM Innovation Partnerships
Schools collaborating to solve system challenges at scale
with Department of education, Western Australia

Harekeke: Parents for Parents
Creating stronger social connections between parents of under-5s
with Innovate change and Innovation Unit Australia

Diabetes model of care
Combatting type 2 diabetes in Auckland
with Auckland District Health Board and Waitematā District Health Board, Aotearoa New Zealand

Behind the wheel
Keeping young drivers safe
with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Aotearoa New Zealand Transport Agency, Curative