We grow and scale the boldest and best innovations that deliver long-term impact for people, address persistent inequalities, and transform the systems that surround them.
We do this by coaching leaders and their teams as they introduce difficult changes. And we help build local capability to ensure that new ways of working will be maintained long after our work is complete.
We work closely with people with lived-experience and frontline staff. Together, we dig deep to find root causes of problems, challenge assumptions, design and test new ways of working and help implement change.
We help organisations collaborate with one another and build strong partnerships that can transform a system or a place.
We work hard to navigate the cultures we work on. We adapt our own practices to the cultures of the places we work, seeking to enhance the power of those who understand their context the best. Our work recognises the capability of First Nations people and the strength these ongoing cultures bring to social change practices.
We achieve all of this by drawing on fifteen years’ experience working with ambitious organisations in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, and around the world.
The impact is better outcomes and experiences for vulnerable people and better outcomes for the wider system.
Our formula for innovation and impact
Combining decades of practical experience with recent research, our formula for innovation and impact will help you to design new solutions, implement them successfully and take them to scale for greater impact.
Explore the different areas of the formula to discover the proven approaches that deliver results for our clients and partners.

Generate Insights
We surface deep, challenging insights and build a compelling case for change

We can help you to:
- Shed new light on hard problems by researching and understanding the reality of people’s lives
- Assess the costs, value for money and outcomes of existing provision
- Review relevant research and evidence-based solutions
- Scan for inspiring new solutions from different places, sectors and systems
- Map relevant assets and resources in organisations, places and systems
Design new solutions
We co-design new, practical solutions with high potential for impact and cost-savings

We can help you to:
- Generate a wide range of ideas for new solutions, and select those with the greatest potential
- Co-design promising new solutions and then prototype and test them with staff and the public
- Create a detailed blueprint for the new solution, specifying an implementation plan, costs and potential savings
- Identify and mobilise the assets and resources needed for successful implementation
- Co-develop an implementation plan and evaluation design
Mobilise Energy
We engage people in a powerful shared vision, and create the energy for collective action

We can help you to:
- Communicate a compelling case for change that inspires people to act
- Facilitate events and workshops that create high levels of buy-in, collaboration and collective action
- Develop an outcomes framework that is owned by all the stakeholders in the system
- Identify the new metrics and measures of success that will drive change
- Develop a powerful vision and bring it to life through exciting products and meaningful engagement
Lead system change
We work with leaders to change their systems, sectors and settings, so new solutions can flourish

We can help you to:
- Engage senior stakeholders across the system and secure their active sponsorship and support
- Develop new governance arrangements, and maximise the value of existing networks and partnerships
- Develop meaningful accountabilities and performance measures
- Create the right approaches to ongoing learning and evaluation to drive continuous improvement
- Design new incentives, including financial, to change behaviours
Scale solutions
We work with system leaders to adopt and adapt solutions from elsewhere or scale their own new solutions

We can help you to:
- Evidence the impact of a new solution on outcomes and costs
- Maintain fidelity to the evidence based core of a new solution while adapting flexible features to local contexts
- Grow communities of practice, engagement and interest and facilitate learning events
- Build a movement for change around a new solution through powerful communications and engagement
- Establish new ventures and develop sustainable business models
Build capability
We work with leaders and teams to grow their roles, skills and capabilities

We can help you to:
- Identify and develop the roles, relationships, resources, skills and behaviour change required
- Coach leaders to ensure they have the necessary tools and strategies to lead innovation
- Design and deliver workforce learning that supports staff to develop and sustain new practices
- Provide evidence based tools and frameworks to help leaders monitor and evaluate progress
- Partner with experts to provide specialist technical support, including digital, media, finance, HR
Our model for scale
Coming up with a great new solution is just the beginning: persuading and helping others to adopt it is at least as challenging.
Developed from extensive research and tested with partners in health, social care and education, our model for scale is a methodology for adapting and adopting an innovation within a place, to new places, or across a whole system.